§ Algorithm Design & Analysis
此 open course RCS.102 還在 backlog 當中,尚未被規劃
以下是此 open course 主題、教材的 candidate:
Divide and Conquer
Strongly Connected Component
Shortest Path
Red Black/AVL Tree
0 / 1 Knapsack
Unbounded Knapsack
1-D DP
2-D DP
Two Pointers
Prefix Sum
Sliding Window
Monotonic Stack
KMP algorithm
Peak Finding
There exist many algorithms to find the peak element in case adjacent elements are not allowed to be equal, in 𝑂(𝑚+𝑛) and 𝑂(𝑚∗𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝑛)) time. You can find them at this page and in this MIT Lecture. None of these algorithms are applicable in case when adjacent elements are allowed to be equal.
With or without adjacent equal elements (plateau)
Find any peak
Find every peak
Find absolute peak
Had only one (or potentially more) peak
1D, 2D array
Mathematical Induction/Divide and Conquer
Doubly Linked Lists
Skip List
Last updated